Thursday, May 19, 2011

Spring Decoration

I am so excited, I am getting a blog design! Wahoo! I will be changing my domain shortly, so please look for the notice to update your bookmark.

I LOVE to decorate the seasons and holidays, so much so that I have ran out of storage room for all my seasonal decorations. Will that stop me? Heavens, no! I just need to be a bit more creative in the storage department.

My friend Michelle inspired me with her post here. I basically copied her idea because I loved it so much. 

I am a firm believer in making my house a home. My family needs a place that is peaceful and happy. A place that is warm and lived in. I love to bring the seasons and holidays inside my home. I love seeing Logan's eyes light up when he sees something new and festive. I am savoring these moments when Logan and I are decorating together while Hannah is desperately trying to help us by unloading the bins. Truly, decorating is bringing us closer as a family. :)

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