Friday, April 8, 2011

Eggcellent Monday - Week 2

I really wanted to post pictures and an update from our Week 1 Eggcellent Monday, but basically it was a no go. Sometimes a 3 year old does not want to cooperate and is put to bed. However, this week, will be a blast!

  • Hidden Surprise Easter Egg Treats found here. I love these and will fill them up with left over jelly beans from our previous week. 

  •  "Some Bunny Love You!" thumb print cards. I am going to try to get these done today and hopefully will post pictures.
  • Animal Charades: I think we will do this during the day or as I am getting dinner ready. Logan loves to act like animals, so I will create some cards and we can draw one and run around, make noises, and pretend to be that animal. Hannah loves to run behind and laugh. 

  • Don't Eat Peep! I love, love, love this site, Prepared Not Scared!, and their games. We did a similar game at Thanksgiving, and we all loved it! 
***For all games that I want to use again, I print on card stock and laminate.